MindBeat Podcast
Voices of ESS
All Episodes
January 17, 2023
29 MIN
EP 4: The State of School-based Mental Health in California
In this episode, Natasha King, SELPA Manager for the San Mateo County Special Education Local Planning Area (SELPA), joins Duncan and Laine and special guest host Dawn Ortiz to discuss what’s missing in mental health support, how to reset and recalibrate with students, California’s mental health funding landscape, and building programming in school districts to serve all students.
January 3, 2023
29 MIN
EP 3: The Importance of Universal Mental Health Screening
In this episode, John Crocker, Director of School Mental Health and Behavioral Services for Methuen Public Schools in Massachusetts, joins Duncan and Laine to discuss the most pressing issues relating to student mental health he sees on the ground in his district, the importance of universal mental health screening, and the playbook he uses as the Founder of the Massachusetts School-Based Mental Health Consortium.
December 15, 2022
29 MIN
EP 2: Administrator and Parent Perceptions of School-based Mental Health
In this episode, John Zogby, Founder and Senior Partner of John Zogby Strategies, joins Duncan and Laine to discuss the recently announced ESS-Zogby major survey of parents and school administrators about school-based mental health care, stigmas around mental health, priorities for funding these initiatives, parents’ attitudes about what level of mental health support school should provide, and how to prioritize school-based mental health in the future.
mental health RESOURCES
Explore, Watch & Learn
Discover our blog, a guide for parents, students, and educators with valuable information related to youth mental health.
Watch leaders in the field discuss the growing youth mental health crisis, plus hear optimistic stories of hope and healing from school districts nationwide.
Case Studies
Explore real-life stories and the remarkable journeys of schools that have joined forces with Effective School Solutions.