MTSS-Aligned Programming
Our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
The ESS program model is built around our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for School-Based Mental Health Care and Behavioral Support. This powerful model consists of three tiers of support designed to meet the unique needs of students in the school environment.
Tier 3
Intensive, In-School Clinical Support For the 3-5% of students with the most severe emotional and behavioral challenges
Tier 2
Moderate Intensity Care For students who have less intensive needs. or who might not be on a school’s radar screen
Tier 1
Professional Development, Coaching and Consulting For educators focused on expanding the mental health and behavioral health toolkit of teachers and school staff.
Our Programs
Aligned to the MTSS Framework, ESS offers the following programs:
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
School-Based Clinical Programming
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Behavioral Support Solutions
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
School Avoidance & Chronic Absenteeism Interventions
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Crisis Response & Re-Entry
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Professional Development, Coaching and Consulting
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Therapeutic Outplacement Consulting
I often wonder how we were ever able to manage students with high acuity needs without the ESS program in our school. ESS provides necessary support services for students, staff, and parents to enable students to remain in a mainstream educational setting with their peers.
John Pascale, High School Principal, Mahwah, NJ
percent of Students prevented from an ODP¹
+1 GPA
one full letter grade GPA increase²
average reduction in absences for students with Chronic Absenteeism³
decrease in Suspensions for students with severe disciplinary issues⁴
2023 – 2024 ESS Tier 3 Programs
¹Therapeutic outplacement care includes residential treatment and out of district placement for Tier 3 students.
²Tier 3 students who entered program with a GPA of less than 2.0.
³Students with five or more absences in the marking period prior to enrollment in ESS.
⁴Tier 3 students who entered the program with multiple prior suspensions.