HALT Technique
Published on 04/6/20
Submitted by Kelly Deegan, ESS Coordinator
This acronym reminds us to take a moment, or halt, and ask ourselves how we are feeling. HALT can serve as a reminder to us all that we need to take care of our basic needs every day. Take a moment each day to check in with yourself and your family.
When we HALT and assess our situation, we can describe a hunger for less tangible things such as affection, accomplishment, and understanding. This is why having a support system is so important. Those who care for and love you will give you food for your heart and ease the emotional hunger that you’re feeling.
A normal, healthy emotion to experience. The important thing is to HALT and take time to understand what is causing your anger and know how to properly express it. No matter what is bothering you, assess whether you can confront what is angering you. Regardless of how you expel your anger, make sure you acknowledge it and reflect upon its causes so you can then release it in constructive, not destructive, ways.
Can occur when we are by ourselves or when surrounded by many people. We isolate ourselves when we don’t feel like others can understand us, withdrawing into ourselves out of fear or doubt. If you’re feeling lonely, HALT and ask yourself if you have reached out to anyone lately. Your support system is there for you when you feel depressed, overwhelmed, or anxious, or if you just need someone to talk to.
Takes a toll on our bodies, mind, and spirit. When our days are filled with e-learning, meetings, and activities it is easy to ignore how tired we become. However, running on low energy compromises our ability to think and our capacity to cope. Satisfying the physical need to sleep, rest, and rejuvenate is critical to keeping yourself healthy physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Recharging your body, mind, and spirit will help you get through tough moments.